Hee hee hee, I was so tempted to title this post the "Social Media Thing for the Anti-social". I scrolled through the list of apps in Thing 8 and caught myself saying, "Um...no thanks!" way too often. I'm on Facebook, and check it mostly on my iPad, but am VERY selective of my Friends and maintain tightly set privacy settings. I've attempted to become a Tweeter a handful of times, but always peter out quickly. I honestly don't care enough about what I'm doing to bore other by putting it out into the Twittersphere. I maintain my account for when I need to do an instant save on The Voice.
A friend recently sent me an invitation to join LinkedIn, a month after she retired! When I retire, the LAST thing I'll be doing is professionally networking. I don't really want people knowing where I am at any given moment (Foursquare), and I just don't know if common tv watching interests are enough to connect with (tvtag). Besides, I have enough to do to keep up actually watching episodes of Game of Thrones, to communicate and network with others over it is more time that I can spare from my life.
I can see where some of the management tools would be useful if I was using multiple social networks to streamline the time and enable simultaneous postings, but that isn't currently the case for me.
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