Praha is a very different kind of creature than Brno or Budapest. It is crazy full of tourists and there is more English heard here than anywhere I've been in the last month. I was stopped twice on the street today alone, asked if I spoke English and whether I knew where such-and-such was. Over our lunch break today, I ran to the train station to buy my ticket to Germany for August 7th, and on the way back to the meeting point for the afternoon lecture I was approached by a couple probably in their late sixties. (Read on with a strong New York, Jewish accent...not for me, of course)
Man: Excuse me, excuse me, do you speak English?
Me: Yes
Man: Can you tell us how to get to the Hotel Continental?
Me: (looking at the map in his hands and up at the corner street signs) Umm...we're at this intersection right here. Continue in the direction you were heading and turn left at the next street. It should be 2-3 blocks towards the river.
Wife: Ask about the Great Synogogue!
Man: What if we wanted to see the Great Synogogue on the way?
Me: Then turn right here...
Man: Thank you so much. And your English is excellent by the way.
Me: Thank you, but I'm from Minnesota.
Man: Oh, we figured.
Me: ??? Well I've only been in Prague three days myself.
Man: And you've already learned the language so well! Good for you!
Me: ????????

I think because it has become such a tourist city, Praha has this really bizarre mix elements. Across from the Municipal House, an amazing art neuveau theater, was the following banner: ballet? opera? Michael Jackson tribute? There's something for everyone I guess...
I'm glad your foot is doing better!! Make sure you go to the MJ tribute for me. :o) I'm waiting for you to hit Germany and hear what you buy for Birks!