I was very excited to see that Metronet was continuing with the 23 Things model and offering 23 Mobile Things in 2014.
It enabled a number of wonderful things to be revived, like the regular meetings of the "Panera Princesses" with some new added friends (at least one Panera Prince), and the blog that I started initially for 23 Things on a Stick and later used to record my adventures on a Fulbright-Hayes Seminar to Hungary and the Czech Republic in 2010. Scrolling through the posts was like flipping through a photo album (which I have yet to print and assemble, a common theme among my Fulbright friends) and brought back fabulous memories.
Thing 1 on this round of 23 Mobile Things is once again blogging. I've never been comfortable with my writing style, and so regular blogging has been a struggle. I feel like more time is spent on the backspace and delete keys than any other. That being said, I am looking forward to learning (now 22) skills and apps that can be used on mobile devices and may be easily incorporated into my daily life, either professionally or personally.